Technical Sinergi Indonesia

Our Services

“Kami membuat segala kebutuhan kalibrasi Anda lebih akurat”


Outside Micrometer, Caliper, Thickness Gauge, Dll


Push Pull Gauge, Torque Meter, Dll


Balance (electronic, Mechanic), Anak Timbangan,      Timbangan Bias, Dll

Tingkat Kekerasan

Hardness Tester, Hardness Block, Durometer


Waterbath, Oilbath, Oven, Autoclave, Furnace, Dll


Volumetrik Glassware, Measures (Buret, Pipet Volume, Labu Ukur, Gelas Ukur,pipet Ukur)


Pressure Gauge, Pressure Transmitter & Transducer, Pressure Gauge Pneumatic, Dll

Waktu & Frekuensi

Stopwatch, Frequency Meter, Tachometer, Dll

Analisa Kimia

Ph Meter, Conductivity, Dll


Voltmeter, Clamp Meter, Ampere Meter, Multimeter, Dll

Our Clients

PT. Technical Sinergi Indonesia intends to become the best, most trusted and reliable company in  he field of CALIBRATION, superior in all areas of CALIBRATION services and maintaining the best  CALIBRATION and equipment repair services for customer needs and satisfaction both in terms of quality and technique

Our Products

PT. Technical Sinergi Indonesia intends to become the best, most trusted and reliable
company in the field of calibration, superior in all fields of calibration services, as well as
maintaining the best service for customer needs and satisfaction both in terms of
quality and technique.

Head Office dan Laboratorium

Ruko Pasar Sentral Blok ESB no.3
Sukaresmi, Cikarang Selatan, Kab,
Bekasi – Jawa Barat 17532


0821 3463 9038 | 0822 4696 2381 
021 89774699

